Welcome back, in this week I’ll be discussing the question of finding purpose through our own personal pursuits (hobbies, pastimes etc) and whether or not it has to necessarily be “productive”. We’ll also be challenging some of our preconceived notions around what is worthwhile and figuring out for ourselves what is serving us and meeting our needs. There’s more to life than the 9-5 and 5-9 hustle, but every decision has a trade-off, what’s worthwhile to you?
Previous episodes in the Hobby Series
Part 1 How to live more: Making the case for hobbies and pastimes
Part 2 Make life meaningful: how to transition from social media to more hobbies
Part 3 "I don't have time and/or money" (potential pitfalls to starting hobbies)
Part 4 "Does it have to have a purpose?" Letting go of productivity and finding personal balance
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